RD Pocket Pal: RD Calculator

by Octrobi, LLC



Are you a Dietitian? Want to make your day a little easier? RD Pocket Pal is here to help! Quickly and easily perform any of the below calculations or conversions, all from your phone or tablet.Predictive Equations• Mifflin-St. Jeor• Harris-Benedict• Penn State 2003b• Penn State 2010• BrandiQuick Method• Calories: kcal/day min-max• Protein: g/day min-max• Fluids: ml/day min-maxAnthropometrics• BMI• IBW• Percent IBW• Adjusted BWConversions• Inches / Centimeters• Pounds / KilogramsSpecial ThanksDennett Lee, MCN, RD, LD - Consultation during requirements gathering - Testing